Join our board of directors

Generate Canada is seeking solutions-focused candidates to serve on its board

Do you want to be part of a cross-country network of leaders guiding the development of “wicked solutions” to “wicked problems”? Does the idea of supporting and scaling work at the heart of environment, economy and society energize you? Are you ready to put your values to action and help strategically steer a fast-growing national organization? 

If so, we invite you to find your space in the solution by expressing your interest in joining our volunteer board of directors or one of our volunteer committees. 

To learn more, check out the information below.  To express your interest, click here to fill out a short form so that we can learn more about you. This is an ongoing process, and we’ll be in touch when an opportunity arises that aligns with your interests and expertise.

About Generate Canada 
Generate Canada (formerly The Natural Step Canada) is a national charity, founded in 1996, and working in close partnership with the Smart Prosperity Institute (SPI) to advance their shared vision of ‘a strong and inclusive Canadian economy that thrives within nature’s limits’. Our mission is ‘to connect problem-solvers to generate solutions to the most complex challenges at the nexus of environment, economy, and society’.

More specifically we engage thought leaders, experts, and innovators from business, academia, civil society, Indigenous communities, and all levels of government to generate research, industry roadmaps, public policy options, business and supply-chain innovation, and the capacity needed to develop and scale ‘wicked solutions’ to complex ‘wicked problems’.

In partnership with over 150 deeply committed organizations – and through our ever-evolving multi-stakeholder ‘Solution Spaces’ – we are taking on the challenges of climate change, biodiversity loss, pollution and waste. We do so with the belief that deep collaboration is critical to fostering sustainable systems change, and we focus on those challenges and opportunities that cannot be advanced meaningfully by any one organization or sector alone.

Generate Canada’s innovation-focused “Solution Spaces” currently include: the Canada Plastics Pact (CPP), Canadian Alliance for Net-Zero Agri-food (CANZA), Circular Economy Leadership Canada (CELC), the Energy Futures Lab (EFL) and the Nature Investment Hub (NIH).

Explore our website to learn more about our work and visit Our People page to get to know our talented board and staff.

The role of Board Directors:
Our Board of Directors is made up of volunteers who are ultimately responsible for:

  • Hiring the President & CEO and monitoring his/her performance and providing guidance as required.
  • Setting the long-term strategic direction of the organization and approving new strategic initiatives.
  • Approving annual priorities, plans and budgets.
  • Monitoring organizational finances and the effectiveness of strategic initiatives, programs and services.
  • Carrying out fiduciary responsibilities in the best interest of the corporation.
  • Developing and approving organizational policies and ensuring compliance with best practice.
  • Assist the management team in identifying, monitoring and managing risk.
  • Ensuring and safeguarding the organization’s legal and ethical integrity.
  • Ensuring adequate resources are in place to meet annual and long term priorities, and assist in garnering those resources where possible.

Why serve on our board?
Serving on Generate Canada’s Board of Directors provides a valuable opportunity to:

  • Make a meaningful contribution to a credible, fast-growing, results-oriented charity.
  • Develop and use your expertise and insights to address pressing issues facing Canada and the world.
  • Engage with passionate and best-in-class professional staff and volunteers
    access leading edge information and expertise on a diverse range of topics related to our work.
  • Experience a feeling of worth and pride in serving our mission, and public recognition for doing so.
  • Forge new friendships and professional contacts in a fun and stimulating context.

Board member responsibilities
To provide their deepest value to our organization, all directors are expected to:

  • Participate in a board orientation session and undertake to understand all related materials
  • Act as ambassadors and champions for Generate Canada and our Solution Spaces.
  • Attend four board meetings per year – no more than two of which are in-person.
  • Volunteer for at least one board committee, which usually meet once between each board meeting.
  • Declare conflicts of interest when and where these might exist.
  • Allow the organization to publish information about you on its website and in other communications.
  • Come to meetings having read all reports and prepared to engage in generative discussion.
  • Be an honest, enthusiastic, open minded and responsible team player.
  • Maintain a respectful working relationship with other board members and staff.
  • Be available for occasional consultations between meetings as required.
    Approach their work with passion, openness and a sense of collaboration and good humour.
  • Consider contributing financially to the organization, commensurate with your ability to do so.

Our responsibility to our board members
We provide a safe and supportive working environment, directors’ and officers’ liability insurance, general liability insurance and errors and omissions insurance. We keep good records, do our corporate and CRA filings on time, and hold annual general meetings in compliance with all laws and regulations. We are accountable to our donors and partners and we report to the board in a timely and completely transparent manner.

Express Your Interest
Our search for new board members and potential governance committee members is ongoing, and we will reach out to interested candidates when opportunities align with your skills and interests. We are eager to hear from candidates with all abilities, cultural backgrounds, professional expertise, lived experiences, and political persuasions. We are seeking to grow a diverse board that shares our vision for a strong and inclusive economy that thrives within nature’s limits.

To express your interest, fill out this short form and we’ll be in touch as opportunities arise.

Express Interest

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