To speak with one of our experts or tap into one of our Solution Space networks,
please email us at: [email protected].
Please include your name, outlet, and deadline so that we can get back to you as soon as possible.
We need to find ways to help our audiences leave their foxholes and consider new ideas.
Amanda Ripley
Complicating the Narratives
We believe that journalism has the tremendous power and opportunity to help people understand not only the challenging and complex problems we are facing, but also the challenging and complex solutions. We welcome inquiries from journalists seeking to shed light on what people can do and are doing to help solve the seemingly intractable environment-economy issues of our time.
Connect with us to talk about questions like:
Published on The Hub as part of their Kickstart Canada series
A word from David Hughes on the launch of Generate Canada
While three-quarters of Canadians believe it is possible to solve complex and interconnected problems in ways that create economic, environmental and social benefits, only 23% believe progress is possible in the next 5 years. But there’s hope!